03. 2. 2010 -
Oliver Vodeb bo na povabilo oddelka za oblikovanje Ameriske univerze Shajrah predaval v Zdruzenih arabskih emiratih.
Zdruzeni emirati so zrasli iz puscave in, posebej v Dubaju, ustvarili najbolj hiperrealno civilizacijo na zemlji. Projekti, kot so umetna otocja, pokrita smucisca sredi puscave in nedavno odprta najvisja stolpnica na svetu so posledica zelje po ustvarjanju novih resnicnosti. Napredek, kot ga imenujejo je fikcija, zgrajena na najbolj fiktivnem medju: denarju. In ce pomislimo, da tamkajsnja ekonomija temelji na dolgovih, dobimo se dodatni odmik od realnosti. Puscavo realnosti.
Kako se te znacilnosti tamkajsnje druzbe odrazajo na komuniciranju in kako komunicirati izven samonanasalne
logike druzbenih odnosov? Kako razmisljati o komercialnem in nekomercialnem komuniciranju v taksnih pogojih? Kateri so temeljni raziskovalni poudarki za prihodnji razvoj oblikovalske stroke?
Theory, Practice and Education
Design established itself as an important tool for communication in the public sphere. But as the profession celebrates it's importance, global social and economic reality open serious questions of designs social, cultural and economic impact that would focus on sustainability and social responsibility.
Although this dimensions of design are not new the problem is that responsible design is perceived on surface level that cuts the professions potentials to act response-able.
The lecture will put forward the argument, that in order to think of and practice visual communication as GOOD WORK we need to rethink:
a) designs quality standards
b) design as communicative practice
c) education
and overcome the self-referential logic of design. Socially responsive approach connects visual communication with social reality beyond the image and does not stop at its appearance.
The lecture (Feb. 11th) will connect theory with practice and will show various examples of response-able visual communication practice.
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