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Conceptual, creative and tactical interactions
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Komunikacijski problem:
Kako prispevati k sodobni, urbani podobi javnega prostora Ljubljane? Kako na inovativen in novodoben na�in izpostaviti mo�ne karakteristike in nevsiljivo osvetliti kulturno-turisti�ne zanimivosti prestolnice? Kako vplesti njene prebivalce, promovirati ustvarjalnost in okrepiti identifikacijo z mestom?

Klju�ne besede:
javni prostor, ustvarjalno mesto, umetni�ka intervencija, Evropsko leto ustvarjalnosti in inovacij

Oddelek za urejanje prostora MOL, naro�nik, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana in Studio Poper kot avtor in izvajalec

Dodaj svojo misel za nadaljevanje Cestne poezije na:



20. 10. 2011 - Maja gave a lecture on Interventions in public space at the international conference which was part of the project (Re)collecting Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Urbani Imaginarij.
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: Openwear web platform now online
06. 7. 2011 - For anyone who is interested in the future of clothing production: check out the beta version of our collaborative clothing platform here:
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: News- what we are up to?
09. 12. 2010 - We have been very busy in the past months and therefore not so active on our own English web site.
But there is a lot to say.
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