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CPI printed material design development

As The National Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Slovenia, CPI is responsible for curriculum planning, implementing new program, and providing support to schools and teachers in vocational and professional education.

The design and development of printed material intended for vocational promotion demanded a precise and clear organization of content and appealing visualization. Thus, it was first necessary to create a holistic concept of the printed material series, which thereinafter represents the foundation for designing individual booklets, and then implement the concept.



20. 10. 2011 - Maja gave a lecture on Interventions in public space at the international conference which was part of the project (Re)collecting Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Urbani Imaginarij.
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: Openwear web platform now online
06. 7. 2011 - For anyone who is interested in the future of clothing production: check out the beta version of our collaborative clothing platform here:
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: News- what we are up to?
09. 12. 2010 - We have been very busy in the past months and therefore not so active on our own English web site.
But there is a lot to say.
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